gaudí miró casals picasso the world
Born in Reus on June 25, and baptised in the local church of Sant Pere.
      The Hermitage Museum opens to the public in St. Petersburg.
1867 Along with his friends Toda and Rivera, Gaudí begins to publish the journal El Arlequín, which includes early drawings by the genius.       The Romea Theatre opens in Barcelona.
Born on December 29 in El Vendrell.
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.
Sells his home in Reus and moves to Barcelona. Completes his architectural training there and meets Eusebi Güell.
      The first railway line connecting Catalonia and France is completed.
1881       Born in Malaga on 25 October.
The newspapers La Vanguardia and El Avenç begin publication, and La Renaixença begins regular publication as a periodical.
1883 Travels to Elna, Banyuls, and Carcassonne in France. Begins work on the Sagrada Familia cathedral the same year.       The Second Catalan Congress takes place. German composer Richard Wagner dies.
The Barcelona Universal Exposition opens in La Ciutadella Park.
1893   Born in Barcelona on 20 April.     The second Modernisme Fair is held at Cau Ferrat in Sitges, and the anarchist attack takes place at the Liceo Theatre.
Invited by his friend Manuel Pallarés to visit Horta de Sant Joan for the first time, in order to recover from an illness.
Spain loses its last colonies in the Spanish-American War.
1899     Appears in Paris with an orchestra conducted by Lamoureux. Becomes one of the group of Catalan modernists who frequent the Els Quatre Gats pub, along with Ramon Casas, Santiago Rusiñol, and Miquel Utrillo.
Barcelona’s first electric tram system begins operation.
Participates in the Santuari de la Misericórdia pilgrimage and designs the banner for citizens of Reus living in Barcelona. He begins the Park Güell garden-city project, and receives an award for best new building in Barcelona from the Casa Calvet.
  Moves to Paris. He has his first individual showing at Els Quatre Gats. Travels to Paris for the first time.
The Universal Exposition opens in Paris, leading to the international success of the Art Nouveau style.
1901     Travels to the USA for his first exhibition tour there.
Begins to sign his work ‘Picasso’.
Nobel Prizes are awarded for the first time. The first national Catalan day is celebrated in Barcelona on 11 September.
1903 Put in charge of refurbishing the façade at the Santauri de la Misericòrdia, but circumstances prevent him from carrying out the project. Some of his sketches for his design have survived.       The First Catalan University Congress is held. The first motorised flight in history takes place.
1905     Travels to Russia for the first time to perform a concert.  
Albert Einstein announces his theory of relativity.
Construction of the Colonia Güell church begins.
    The artistic movement known as Cubism had developed during the previous year. The Palau de la Música opens.
Visits Horta de Sant Joan for the second time at the age of 26, and stays for four months.

The calling up of reserve troops for the Rif War in Morocco leads to the ‘Tragic Week’ of violence in Barcelona.
1910 International success at the exposition held in Paris. Work is completed on La Pedrera-Casa Milà.
Miró’s father buys the Mas d’en Ferratges in Mont-roig del Camp.

The Vil·la Casals is built in the seaside neighbourhood of Sant Salvador.
  First airplane flight in Spain takes place in Barcelona.
Visits Mont-roig del Camp for the first time to recover from an illness.
    The founding conference for the National Work Confederation (CNT for its Spanish initials) takes place at the Salón de Bellas Artes in Barcelona.
From this year onwards works exclusively on the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona.
World War I begins.
1917     Decides not to return to Russia to perform.   The October Revolution takes place in Russia.
1918   Holds his first individual exhibition at the Galeries Dalmau in Barcelona.     World War I ends. Flu epidemic.
1920   Travels to Paris on his first international trip. Meets Picasso. The Orquestra Pau Casals gives its first concert at the Palau de la Música Catalana.
Meets Joan Miró.
First radio broadcasts take place in Great Britain and the USA.
1924   The surrealist manifesto is signed.     The first radio transmission takes place in Spain, Ràdio Barcelona. André Breton’s surrealist manifesto appears.
Dies in Barcelona on 10 June after being struck by a tram car.
  Creates the Worker’s Concert Association in order to bring music to the working classes.  
Scotsman J. L. Baird invents the television.
1928   Travels to Belgium and the Netherlands and paints Interiors holandesos (Dutch Interiors) in Mont-roig..    
The Yellow Manifesto appears. Puig i Cadafalch’s four columns are demolished in Barcelona.
1932     Named president of the Catalan Music Association.   Catalonia gains its autonomy with President Francesc Macià, one year after the declaration of the Second Spanish Republic.
1936   Decides to stay in Paris until 1939 to escape the Spanish Civil War.   Named director of the Museo del Prado by the Spanish Republican government. On 18 July, an attempted military coup triggers the Spanish Civil War.
1937   The Civil War has an impact on his work. Paints the mural El segador (The Harvester) for the Spanish Republic’s pavilion at the Paris International Exposition.   Displays his mural Guernica at the Spanish Republic’s pavilion at the Paris International Exposition. French composer Maurice Ravel dies.
1939     Goes into exile beginning in this year, first to Prades, France, then to San Juan, Puerto Rico (1955).   The Spanish Civil War ends. World War II begins.
The United Nations Organisation is founded. World War II ends.
1946     Decides to stop performing in public as a protest against the attitude of neighbouring democratic countries towards Franco’s regime.   The UN creates the institutions UNICEF and UNESCO. The UN withdraws its ambassadors from Madrid as a reaction against Spain’s fascist government.
1947   Travels to the United States.     The Cold War begins.
1948         Gandhi is assassinated. The UN releases its Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
1949       Creates the lithograph El colom (The Dove), used for the first World Peace Congress held in Paris. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is created.
1951         A tram worker strike is organised in Barcelona as a collective protest against Franco’s dictatorship.
Travels to Puerto Rico for the first time.
Receives the International Peace Prize. Spain becomes a member of the United Nations.
1957     The Festival Casals is created in San Juan, Puerto Rico.   The Soviet Union puts Sputnik, the first space satellite, into orbit. The European Economic Council (EEC) is formed.
1958   Creates two murals for UNESCO which are awarded the Guggenheim International Award. Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and performs his first concert at the UN building. Presents a mural painted for UNESCO. Universal Exposition is held in Brussels, and the iconic Atomium is built there.
1960         In spite of a prohibition by Franco’s government, the audience attending a concert at the Palau de la Música Catalana sings El Cant de la Senyera. This later becomes known as els fets del Palau or ‘what happened at the Palau’.
1961     Travels to Israel and Japan.  
Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to orbit the earth. The Berlin Wall is constructed to separate the east and west sides of the city. The organisation Amnesty International is created.
1963   Last trip to the United States.
Performs the work El Pessebre (The Nativity Scene) at the UN during the 15th anniversary celebration for the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights.
  The Beatles begin their triumphant career after releasing their first record in 1962. American president John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Texas.
1968         The ‘student revolution’ of May 1968 in Paris sets off a wave of protests. The Prague Spring ends with the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union. Martin Luther King Jr is assassinated.
1971     The UN awards its Peace Medal. The ‘Hymn to the United Nations’ peace anthem, with music composed by Casals, makes its debut performance.   Russian composer Igor Stravinsky dies. The Catalan National Assembly is created.
1973     Dies on 22 October in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Dies on April 8 in Mougins, France. Luis Carrero Blanco, the prime minister of Spain, is killed in a terrorist attack by Basque ETA militants.
1983   Dies on 25 December in Palma de Mallorca.     Catalonia’s TV3 television station is born.
El Paisatge dels Genis