Reus ¤ Cicloturisme
Walk of in Gaudí to the Cave of the Mine
Activity for free
The Route of the Walk of the Mouth of the Mine to Reus, is a itinerari of 4,57 km with a ramp of 37 m of rise and 37 m of drop. It treats of a circular route which passes for the Mouth of the Mine and the Institute Pere Mata, and in what can observe other modernist elements, characteristic of in Gaudí, how the chimneys of the fumera of the Mill of Sanromà.
The route will initiate at first of the Walk of the Mouth of the Mine where the route will be of roughly 1,26 kms until arriving to the Street of the Ravine of the Mine, where will divert us to the Institute Pere Mata all giving a turn to the recinte to appreciate the style that apart. All followed, will abandon the enclosure course to the Path of the Institute Pere Mata where will resort some 500 meters until reaching the intersection with the Path of the Quarry of the Còbic. This will be the last path that will visit, where in roughly some 2 km will finish the route, all going back at the point of start.
To the treat of a route of a low distance and a requirement of low physical level can consider how an easy Route, apt for all the family and for all the ages.
It goes down here the route.
Tel. +34 977 010 010