Horta del Sant Joan ¤ Guided Tours
Visit Guided to Centre Picasso
The Centre Picasso, shows the reproduction facsimile of all the work that Picasso created and with which goes immortalitze the landscapes of the village where lived important vital experiences.
Thanks to the visit guided Centre Picasso, exists the possibility to visualise together the corresponding works to two important periods in Picasso's evolution. Works that at present are disseminated by museums and particular collections all over of the world. For last, it is necessary to highlight also that a good part of the works of Picasso correspond to landscapes of Horta of San Juan and will be able to appreciate with the visit guided Centre Picasso.
• Price: €25/group + €2 per person (gone in Centre Picasso)
• Group: minimum 15-maximum 30 pax
• Lasted of the visit: 45 minutes roughly
• Languages: Spanish, English, French and Russian
Information and reservations:
Viajes Horta
Tel. +34 977 684 276