Reus ¤ Artistic activities
Theatrical Visit to the Institute Pere Mata
Through a theatrical visit, will know the architecture, the decoration and the modernist style that impregnates this space that was a model in the care of the ill mental at the beginning of the 20th century, at the same time that we discover the Institute Pere Mata of Lluís Domènech and Montaner, one of the modernist jewels of Reus.
The theatrical visit to the Institute Pere Kills includes an appetizer, a taste of vermouth Miró and a concert of musician of period.
Information and reservations
Each 3rd Saturday of month to the 12h.
Price: 12 € ADULTS
6 € of 7 ages to 13 Free
years of 0 to 6 years
Addressees: FAMILIAR PUBLIC, GENERAL, BIG PEOPLE, Activity recommended from 10 years
Duration of visit: 2 hours roughly
Online previous reservation to www.codoleducacio.com
+ info in www.codoleducacio.com / codol.educacio@tinet.cat
Tel. +34 977 327 362