Reus ¤ Guided Tours
Guided visit to Modernist Reus
Through the visit guided of Reus Modernist and thanks to the knowledges that transmit fingers guide, is possible to enjoy the façades of one of the groups of buildings of modernist style more important of Europe, know his characteristic and especially appreciate his architectural and cultural beauty.
Reus Modernist includes different worthy elements to see, how rotted to be:
• Gaudí Centre Reus. Visit with audioguide
Space of interpretation that allow to the public of all the ages understand the keys of the architecture of Antoni Gaudí.
• Institute Pere Kills. Visit guided to the pavilion of the distinguished
Building more highlighted of the big modernist architect of the period Lluís Domènech and Montaner author of the Palace of the Catalan Musician and the Hospital of Sant Pau in Barcelona.
Between week: €127,05/group + €2 per person (entries)
Weekend and festive: €148,83/group + €2 per person (entries)
• Group: minimum 15-maximum 55 people
• Lasted of the visit: of 2 to 3 hours roughly
• Is necessary arrange previous appointment
• Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French and Russian
Information and reservations:
Gaudí Centre and Office of Tourism
Tel. +34 977 010 670