Horta ¤ Hiking
Activity for free
Route Cave Picasso
Pablo Picasso lived a time to the Ports, where slept in a cave with his friend, son of Horta of San Juan Manel Pallarés. At present the cave can visit following the route hatches Picasso that corresponds to the itinerary signposted for the Natural Park of the Ports like The Picasso's Cave.
The Cave Picasso is a itinerary of 3,1 km, circular, of low difficulty. With a lasted approximate of 1 hour, being a itinerary ideal to do in family.
The itinerary splits of the area of leisure of The Franqueta situated to the edge of the river of the Narrow. The zone is of easy access, with a good offer of trails and two interpretative spaces out of doors, the one of the homestead of Quiquet and the one of the Marbrera.
Tel. 977 435686