‘Everything I know, I learned in Horta.’

Picasso lived in Horta de Sant Joan twice, accompanied by his friend Manuel Pallarès, a native of the town. On his first trip (1898-1899) he arrived ill, but after spending some time surrounded by the pristine nature of the Els Ports mountains, he became filled with energy again. He returned to Horta in 1909 during the beginnings of the Cubist movement, this time with Fernande Olivier. Inspired by the landscapes of Horta, it was during this time that he painted Reservoir at Horta and Factory at Horta de Ebro, among other works.

How to get to Horta de Sant Joan

Horta is located in south-western Catalonia, approximately equal distance from the cities of Barcelona, Valencia, and Zaragoza.

From Barcelona, take exit 34 from the AP-7 motorway, then take the N-420 dual carriageway towards Falset, Móra la Nova, and Gandesa and continue on the road that leads to Bot and Horta.

El Paisatge dels Genis